Mid July

When I asked Aaron for a recap of this week on the farm from his perspective, he said simply "can't, too tired." This may have something to do with the fact that we may have driven to New Jersey and back last night to hear Jay-Z and Beyonce in concert and weren't in bed until 2 am (this goes without saying, but it was amazing), but it's also been a very very busy week on the farm.  We started harvesting carrots, cukes, green beans, squash, leeks, and onions, attended three markets between Thursday and today, and had many serious meetings about the exciting next moves for our farm.  We're eating squash blossoms and roasted green beans daily. And summer squash, by the pound.

We're full and grateful. Here are some photos from this past week around the farm:

While we toil away on all sorts of chaotic July tasks, the tomatoes grow quietly and steadily, laying in wait, getting ready to ripen. We're SO ready.

While we toil away on all sorts of chaotic July tasks, the tomatoes grow quietly and steadily, laying in wait, getting ready to ripen. We're SO ready.

The nigella are blooming, delicate and spiky and mysterious.

The nigella are blooming, delicate and spiky and mysterious.

My all time favorite color of snap dragon - I've got two plants out there making me these beautiful stems. To die for, if you ask me.

My all time favorite color of snap dragon - I've got two plants out there making me these beautiful stems. To die for, if you ask me.

Picklers and Salt + Pepper cucumbers

Picklers and Salt + Pepper cucumbers

A harsh reality of farming without pesticides: when the eggplants get overrun with Colorado Potato Beetles, the only thing to do is slowly walk the rows and systematically smush them with dirty fingers.

A harsh reality of farming without pesticides: when the eggplants get overrun with Colorado Potato Beetles, the only thing to do is slowly walk the rows and systematically smush them with dirty fingers.

Luckily, the eggplants continue to grow strong and healthy through some significant bug pressure. We grow 'em tough.

Luckily, the eggplants continue to grow strong and healthy through some significant bug pressure. We grow 'em tough.
